My Chemical Romance -Live in New Jersey [DVDRip] [Mega

My Chemical Romance - Live in New Jersey
Duracion: 02:25:27
Tamaño: 998 Mb
Ancho del fotograma: 720
Alto del fotogram: 480
Velocidad de datos: 1735 kpbs
Velocidad de bits total: 1879 kpbs
Audio: Estereo 2 canales176 kbps
Comprimido En Winrar
Host: Megaupload, Freakshare
Rip By: andres_v05


1. "Welcome to the Black Parade" 5:11
2. "Thank You for the Venom" 4:23
3. "Dead!" 5:05
4. "The Sharpest Lives" 4:40
5. "This Is How I Disappear" 3:53
6. "Teenagers" 4:07
7. "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" 4:05
8. "You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison" 4:04
9. "Famous Last Words" 5:08
10. "Give 'Em Hell, Kid" 2:45
11. "House of Wolves" 3:42
12. "It's Not a Fashion Statement, It's a Deathwish" 4:38
13. "I Don't Love You" 4:27
14. "Untitled" 4:19
15. "Mama" 4:45
16. "Helena" 4:54

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||  Parte 08 || Parte 09 ||  Parte 10 ||

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